Monday, July 16, 2012

Experience Silent Hill... In REAL Life!

Silent Hill has always been considered one of the scariest game series ever by many gamers. And while the only real news about Silent Hill has been the wait for Book of Memories (a Vita exclusive coming in fall), We now have news that is neither game for film, but a horror attraction!

Konami and Universal Studios are teaming up this Halloween in the park's continued efforts to scare attendees at this fall's installment of Halloween Horror Nights. HHN starts in September and runs through October. We will be able to see real life versions of every favorite horrifying creature characters including Nurses, those spider things, the creepy Robbie Bunny, and Pyramid Head.

Here is the announcement video below:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Microsoft Announces New Xbox360 Halo 4 Design

 It might come to no surprise that Halo 4 is getting its very own Xbox360 bundle, now that Microsoft owns Halo how can they get more money out of it?
      Microsoft is releasing the New Design at a large $400 price tag, the bundle will come with 2 halo 4 designed controllers each has blue led inserted, a black headset, the console will have a 350 GB hard drive inserted into it, with a copy of Halo 4.

      It is said that the console will have special Halo tones for when the device is powered up and when removing a disk, the center power ring will also have blue led's instead of green. Microsoft has also announced a stand alone controller priced at $60.
Below are the differences
      Microsoft has set the release date to November 6th 2012, so get excited.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

High Moon also making a Deadpool game!?

Perhaps Hit Monkey was just a Decoy, cause High Moon and Activision made it official that a Deadpool will be getting his own game in 2013... Justice has been served!!!

Deadpool, as most Marvel and super hero fans know, is a hilarious Assassin anti-hero who always makes jokes, brutal kills, innuendos, and has never been shy of breaking the 4th wall. By the looks of this wicked awesome new announcement trailer, Deadpool will get the game he rightfully deserves.

The game will be made by High Moon, the makers of the Cybertron (Transformers) games, and published by Activision. Expect the game to release in 2013...

Friday, July 13, 2012

PS3 Model CECH-4011B Pics Revealed

It seems the rumor of the PS3XS are true according to Technoblog, a Brazilian technology blog. The main differences with this remodel include a smaller size than the slim, a flip-top lid or a disk tray, and...riffles.

There are still some rumors, however. The system will possibly come in three different hard drive sizes: 16gb, 250gb, and 500gb. It's also a possibility that Sony will officially reveal the redesign next month at Gamescom.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

GeekBeerz logo has been chosen

While the newbie logo will still be our new logo on the GeekBeerz site, I've decided to go with the original classy look for when "TAD: the Total Achieving Dorks" finally comes out and hopefully gets published.

It was a major tie on the Poll, but the final decision was made partly due to a comment suggesting that this version looked more like comic material. And while the official cover hasn't been made yet, I am positively sure that this one will look best.

The comic is planned to come out sometime in August...

Surprise! We might get Podcast Episode 10 early

Guess what? We finished the Episode last Monday!

We answered all your questions and everything! But the episode still needs to get edited by Shrew and Geoff.

And that is all I can say for now, make sure to be here when Geoff finally puts the episode up...

Next Batman Arkham game to be... a Prequel???

Variety just recently commented on what the initial plans for Warner Bros and Rocksteady's next Batman Arkham game, which is now highly anticipated after the success of the last sequel Arkham City.

If reports are true, the next game would take place during the Silver Years, where Batman first meets with the Joker. And if true again, he won't be fighting Joker alone! Justice League may somehow be part of the story. If they are playable within the story story mode or just backup like Robin (before DLC) and Nightwing was is still unknown at this time. The original Justice League consisted of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter.

Game is said to come out no later than 2014...