Nicknames: Geoff, agent Oso
Leader / Main Editor
Favorite Games: Real-Time Strategy
Current age: 19
Systems: 360, Wii, PS2, Gamecube, PS1, N64, Gameboy, PSP, DS
Geoff is, to some extent, a passionate gamer in many many ways. Having the desire to spread his opinions across the lands, he sought this blog and Podcast's as the means to getting his thoughts noticed. as the original leader of VGPastCast, a Pre-Geekbeerz site that ended badly, he helped bring Geekbeerz to life in hopes that it would avoid all flaws that ruined its fallen ancestor. His leadership skills and Editing skills are madly impressive.Geoff welcomes new games, but has a deep love for classic's such as games from Nintendo and Sega respectively. He currently works for a Landscaping company and has plans to go to College and possibly on a Church Mission.