Thursday, July 5, 2012

New GeekBeerz video, PS Vita reveal

It may seem like we never care to put up videos and stuff, but in reality we have a major backlog of Videos in need of editing. Luckily, I was able to finish one.

This video is roughly two-three months old so it's not too terribly late. This one is similar to Shrew's 3DS review except that I was finally able to keep the Audio in it. While a little blurry and shaky around the edges, and having average audio,  it's a fairly decent video for what we're able to pull off.

This video was made when Geoff, Shrew, and I were already acting ridiculous for no reason. Bergy was unable to attend for being under house arrest.

Hopefully more videos will be on soon... [more videos are on Youtube, just type in GeekBeerzTAG]


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