Now we'll get to see which games were considered the best for two specific consoles, games that are exclusive to that console only. Today we just have two console winners. The next will be Xbox sometime later this week. Now here are the two console exclusive winners:
*platinum winner*
LittleBIGplanet 2
console: PS3
Release: January 2011
Runner ups:
Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception *gold*
Infamous 2 *silver*
Killzone 3 *bronze*
Resistance 3 *beer*
Released: November 2011
Xenoblade *gold* (foreign but it still had great success)
Kirbys Return to dreamland *silver*
Mario sports mix *bronze*
N/A *beer*
[NOTE: 2011 was not the best year for the Wii. Besides the amazing Skyward Sword, not many other Wii exclusive games came out or were worth mentioning. This is probably due to their preparations for the Wii U]
now these are just the rewards for greatest console exclusives, we still have the contests for greatest game of a specific genre. until next time...