Saturday, August 27, 2011

3DS reveal

Hey guys this is Tom, a member of GeekBeerz, you may have seen my other sites ZA4M and STAT. Anyways I put up a video of me and Shrew opening up his 3DS for the first time. Here is the video:

Pretty cool huh?

We admit that it was hard to get use to the 3D, almost made my head hurt from looking too long, but overall it is a nice new piece of technology. -Tom West

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Minecraft Creator Challenges Bethesda

Recently, Notch, the brilliant mind behind the hit game Minecraft, announced the title and details about his next game Scrolls. Shortly after, Bethesda found out about it and filed a lawsuit against him saying that the title, "infringes on their trademark and everyone will confuse it with Skyrim."

Now, in my opinion, the reason that they're saying Scrolls would get confused with Skyrim is absurd. I mean, yes, technically the full title is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but no one even addresses anything before the colon. Everyone who knows about these games calls them Morrowind or Oblivion.

In response to all this nonsense, Notch has sent a challenge back to Bethesda:

The only negative thing going on at this moment is the Scrolls trademark lawsuit nonsense, and I think I came up with the perfect solution:
Remember that scene in Game of Thrones where Tyrion chose a trial by battle in the Eyrie? Well, let’s do that instead!
I challenge Bethesda to a game of Quake 3. Three of our best warriors against three of your best warriors. We select one level, you select the other, we randomize the order. 20 minute matches, highest total frag count per team across both levels wins.
If we win, you drop the lawsuit.
If you win, we will change the name of Scrolls to something you’re fine with.
Regardless of the outcome, we could still have a small text somewhere saying our game is not related to your game series in any way, if you wish.
Bethesda has yet to respond to this, but if they accept the challenge, I'm hoping everything ends well...with a livestream going so everyone else can watch the carnage. :)


Friday, August 12, 2011

New 3DS Color and Price Drop

      At the E3 press release of the latest handheld device, the 3DS, there was one design and six colors shown. ( these are the 6 colors Nintendo has come up with.) But when released in the US UK and Japan the Colors were Black and Blue, what happened to the others? It seems like Nintendo enjoys giving us amazing things to look forward to then ends up just falling short of their expectations.
      You know black and blue are great colors for Nintendo to start with, I mean they have been beat up so much that now all they are black and blue bruises trying to fix the problems they have created. Now seems like Nintendo is making the right choice, starting September 9 of the year 2011 Nintendo will be releasing the new Cherry Red 3DS (color not specific to cherry red alone) and dropping the price from the overly expensive amount of $250, down to a reasonable $170. Personally if i were Nintendo I would have taken a vote among the people of japan to find out what colors they would prefer. The way I see it the choices would not fall as blue being the second choice among consumers, it most likely  would have been Black, Red, Green, Blue, then either purple or orange. I believe Nintendo released the blue at first to appeal more to the rising female generation of video gamers, its no longer a guys club anymore, and then the black for the neutrality of the color making it suitable for all.

      Personally I would have chosen purple, mostly because its a color that's not often used, and when talking to Geoff earlier about the 3DS colors he would have liked to see green growing up from out of the ground. The colors Black, Blue, and Red have been used so much by Nintendo that it would have been a nice relief to see some more prominent colors. This price drop will significantly improve the sales of the 3DS, I might consider getting one now that its in my price range, but why such a significant drop in price? Well the release of the 3DS was a failure for Nintendo in many ways, with an amazing new generation of handheld devices who wouldn't want it? and after the release many of us were wondering "where are all of these games Nintendo promised us!" Well here they come, several new games are coming out just in  time for the holiday rush and all of the people out there who were on the edge of fence questioning which way jump, now you no longer have to wonder, the 3DS will become a great handheld system you just have to give it a little more time, so buy it now. 

      - Written by Shrew

Thursday, August 11, 2011

GBP Episode 1 - Top 5 Games

Tom, Alex and Geoff gather around the mic to introduce themselves and say their top 5 games of all time.

Click here to download this episode!