Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GBP Episode 3 - What's Your Cat Purse's Name?

Geoff, Tom and Taylor do a (hella long) update on what games they played for the past week while Shrew works, but are invaded by adorable kittens!

Game Impresions
Thomas: inFAMOUS 2, Demon Souls, Crysis 2
Taylor: Demon Souls, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Solitaire
Geoff: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel, Onechanbara, Elite Beat Agents, Devil May Cry 2, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, Alpha Protocol, Velvet Assassin, Dead To Rights: Retribution, Stranglehold

Songs used
Intro: Android Porn - Kraddy
Break 1: Meow Mix jingle
Break 2: Nyan Cat

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Geek Beerz podcast cover art #1

Just had a little fun, a better cover will come out soon. -Tom West

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dead Space 3 !!!!!?!!!!!?!!!!?!!!?!!?!?

It wasn't long ago that Visceral Games announced that they were making another Dead Space game, but no one knew what kind of Dead Space game it would be. At least not until some dudes in Israel glimpsed this picture above.
An Israeli news show called "the Headlines" got a chance to take a tour in the studio [lucky butts] and while there, they captured some footage of what appears to be a teaser of Visceral's next big game. This could be a cruel joke, or maybe it's as legit as my shoes.
So does this surprise anybody? Were you not expecting this? Was the third installment not what you thought the next game would be, and worried that it won't live up to the other fabulous two? I seem to be excited either way for some reason. -Tom West

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dark Souls Last Day

      Dark Souls has been preordered for all members of Geeks Beerz TAG Please stay tuned to all the exciting information that comes from Dark Souls!
      Also Don't Forget that today is the last day to preorder Dark Souls and get the Collectors edition for no extra cost. DO IT NOW!!!

            - Written by Shrew

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dark Souls copies pre-ordered!

Hey guys it's Tom again. In case you all haven't known yet, me and dudes Shrew and Geoff have pre-ordered the collectors edition of the "sequel" to the hardest game ever made, Dark Souls! Geoff and Shrew will be getting this for the XBOX 360 version while I get it for the PS3, it is unknown if our fourth member, Taylor, will be getting this pre-order.
I own the first game Demon's Souls, which is a PS3 exclusive, and I can assure you that it is INDEED the hardest and most frustrating game I own. I may never beat it within this year, and heaven forbid whatever comes out of Dark Souls, which is said to be even harder than Demon's Souls. We will most likley be mentioning this again in our next podcast, so until next time. (p.s. also when I get my pre-order I'll be recording a first hands look at the pre-order which will be put on this site and possibly YouTube.) -Tom West

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

GBP Episode 2 - Completed Games and the Good Stretch

Geoff, Shrew, Tom and Taylor gather around the mic to list off games that they have completed, then launch into game discussions for the rest of the show.

Games discussed
Tom: Infamous 2, Little Big Planet 2, Dead Space
Taylor: Infamous 2, Dall of Duty: Black Ops
Alex: Assassin's Creed series, 3DS, Fracture, Lost Planet, Dead Space
Geoff: Crimson Alliance

This week's music comes from Portal.

Still Alive

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please let us know by emailing us at

Click here to download this episode!