Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dark Souls copies pre-ordered!

Hey guys it's Tom again. In case you all haven't known yet, me and dudes Shrew and Geoff have pre-ordered the collectors edition of the "sequel" to the hardest game ever made, Dark Souls! Geoff and Shrew will be getting this for the XBOX 360 version while I get it for the PS3, it is unknown if our fourth member, Taylor, will be getting this pre-order.
I own the first game Demon's Souls, which is a PS3 exclusive, and I can assure you that it is INDEED the hardest and most frustrating game I own. I may never beat it within this year, and heaven forbid whatever comes out of Dark Souls, which is said to be even harder than Demon's Souls. We will most likley be mentioning this again in our next podcast, so until next time. (p.s. also when I get my pre-order I'll be recording a first hands look at the pre-order which will be put on this site and possibly YouTube.) -Tom West


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