Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas and Congrats to GeekBeerz

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and plenty of games to keep you entertained for the next month :). Also, Congrats to GeekBeerz for making it into the new year, meaning that this was basically our first year of success! Lasting 1.0 to 4.0 theme updates, 6 podcast episodes, and still goin! And we have a very special surprise coming in early 2012, as of now you guys can call it:                                                          * PROJECT SCION *So Merry Christmas to all, now shut up and go...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pokemon's newly Announced game: Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition!

Pokemon's newly Announced game: Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition!I expected the next game to be Gray version, Sherman expected the remakes of Ruby and Sapphire. But we got this..... uh....... wha!? A pokemon game with completley new gameplay and possibly a quest based story that's actually legit? Here's the teaser: Apparently this takes place in a time long long before the events of red, blue, and yellow versions. If that's true then i have one question: Why is mewtwo there? wasn't he made in a lab during red, blue, and yellow era??? I guess a Psychic type could travel back in time or something. So what does everyone think? Is this a good step for Gamefreak? EDIT: Here's an english trailer with Youtube's new feature FREAKING SNOW!!!...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Adventure/ RPG WINNERS!!!! a GBAwards exclusive

FIRST PLACE: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception [PS3], Batman: Arkham City [PS3, 360, PC], AND Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim [PS3, 360, PC]Wow! a three way tie!!!! Now what should we call this? Batman: Skyrim's Deception??? these three majestic games made it into first place together by being most favored of all ten games within the genre of this year. While none of us on GeekBeerz have gotten to fully experience Uncharted 3 yet, we have certainly played batman and Skyrim and they are AWESOME! Go get one of these three games now!!!SECOND PLACE: Assassin's Creed: Revelations [PS3, 360, PC]While sadly being considered the lowest rated game in the assassin franchise, it's still a very high rated game and one that many still quite consider pleasing....

FPS WINNERS!!!!! a GBAwards exclusive

FIRST PLACE: Crysis 2 [PS3, 360, PC]The first successful sandbox was highly praised when first released on the PC, and it's sequel is just as magnificent and even console owners got to share the beauty. It should also win an award for best graphics ever. I know I know, graphics don't make a game, but they can sometimes make the experience and damn! this one makes a goooood experience.SECOND PLACE: Resistance 3 [PS3]The first in the title was a great game for being one of the first to ever come out for the PS3, the second game wasn't as appreciated as one would hope, the PSP spinoff sucked, but now we have the third and final one in the trilogy. This one, without sounding prideful, IS the best of the trilogy. And the best part is that...

Puzzle Winners!!!!!!! a GBAwards exclusive

FIRST PLACE: Portal 2 [PS3, 360, PC]Whenever you think of a puzzle game, or somebody asks you if you know of one, only one specific game comes to mind: PORTAL! In this case it's the newly released sequel, which again was appropriately made by Valve. With more character and more detail into the test chambers themselves, Portal 2 is easily a win for 2011!SECOND PLACE: Catherine [PS3, 360, PC]While bizzare and strange to some, Catherine was still a good game amongst all other puzzlers. And the idea of surviving a mysterious nightmare every night in order to survive the next day is one that not many can ignore.THIRD PLACE: N/AFOURTH PLACE: Tetris remake [PS3]We all knew what to expect from this game, which is basically the same...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Square Enix servers hacked

This year, we've seen many game company's servers get hacked. It didn't really come as a surprise reading this email I got this morning: Dear Square Enix Member, You are receiving this email because Square Enix detected a limited server intrusion on December 12, 2011, and temporarily suspended the US/JP editions of the SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS service in order to conduct an investigation. Based on our investigation, we have found no evidence at this point that any personal information was accessed. User login credentials and credit card information are not stored on the affected server. We are continuing to investigate. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the temporary suspension of the SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS service. We take data security extremely seriously and we regret any...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Metal Gear Rising new teaser, and dead before Platinum?

Now doesn't that just look bada$$!? Well after watching that, it's surprising that the game was actually cancelled before another development team took over the product.Apparently the original development team lost interest in whatever the bloody hacking and slashing game had for a story, so Kajima decided that the game would be cancelled. that is until Platinum games (creators of Vanquish) decided to take over production for the game. Meaning now that the game will have a different story than what was originally intended.So what do you guys think? does it upset you that the game is now under a new development team? Or do you just care if the game will be a success or n...

New teasers for "the Last of Us", "Fortnite", and "Fall of Cybertron"

It's now the month for the VGA 2011, where new games and teasers are promoted and announced. And 3 in particular really showed off new goodies! The first teaser is for a recently announced game called the Last of Us:It is a recently announced game from the Naughty Dog dudes (you know, the masterminds behind Uncharted) so I expect this game to have some similar epic sequences like those seen in the uncharted games.the story is about a zombie post apocalyptic world where both zombies and humans are killing each other to survive. Sadly this is a PS3 exclusive, so Xbox fans are going to miss out.The next teaser is a game being developed by the masterminds of gears of war, here's the teaser:A very strange approach, to go from a very gory realistic game to a somewhat cartoony game with graphics...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

GeekBeerz vs Ju-on part 1 video now on youtube!

Hey guys, I finally put this video online! Craig is hilarious in this! It was hard to connect my camcorder due to my laptop's picky security, but I was finally able to do it. Here is the vid:This will also be on youtube, we're hoping to get some comments soon. Part 2 and 3 will come on eventually, I have the actual video footage and Geoff has the audio so we'll have to plan a day to put it all together soon. until next time...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

More exclusive Console winners : a GBAwards exclusive!

This time we have the Xbox 360, PSP, and Nintendo 3DS exclusive winners. Some might agree, others will have their own opinions. But here they are: *platinum winner* Gears of War 3 Console: Xbox 360 Released: September 2011 Admit it, we all LOVE to play gears of war. And that is why the third entry is considered the best Xbox exclusive of this year. Like the PS3, the Xbox also had some pretty good exclusives for 2011. But Gears of war 3 wins becuase of its epic praise from fans and its perfect example of how good an over-the-shoulder shooter should really be like. And you also have to admit, we all like blood and gore every now and then, and this game has great desires to spill all that in your face without warning. Thank you Microsoft...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

introducing the GBAwards

I realize that we are nearing the end of the year 2011, and we have had some really awesome games come out this year, and a few crappy ones. I thought that it'd be fun to see what were the most favored and the least noticed by not just the geekbeerz team but from everyone in general. I figure that every gaming reviewer does something like this so, what the heck, we should too.First, we'll look into the best 5 games in each specific genre. which are:Rpg, Fps, Horror, Puzzle, Strategy, Platformer, Handheld, and actionthen after that, we'll narrow it down to the top 5 greatest games of all time of 2011. and perhaps pick the greatest for each console.Here are the prizes that will be given:.the GBAward: this award goes to the greatest game ever...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Skyrim modders add multiplayer

People find new ways to surprise me everyday, but this by far takes the cake. A new mod has been created forSkyrim that adds multiplayer functionality, complete with a friends list and a chat box. At this point, it's in its alpha stages. The character models it uses for other people are just the basic prisoner model and animations don't work yet. You can download the mod here, but be warned, the mod requires A LOT of tampering with the source files of the game. Here's a video of how it looks now.Let's see how Bethesda reacts to this with their next ga...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Xenoblade to come to the US?

There's a rumor that Xenoblade, a JRPG published by Nintendo, will finally be seeing a US release some time in April 2012. Previously, it suffered the same fate as Fatal Frame 4 a few years back. Fortunately for Xenobladehowever, it got a UK release, making it slightly easier to import with minor soft modding. The only downside with this news is that if it does come out, it will be a Gamestop exclusive item.I'm really excited for this to come out over here, but if my money is going to Gamestop, it makes me reconsider buying it at all. I don't want this to turn into a Gamestop rant. If you want that, click this link. Despite that fact of the place selling it, I'm still very much so hoping that this news is true. Below...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

GBP Episode 6 - Pointless Without Geoff (Portal 2 Spoilers)

Geek Beerz Episode 6 - Pointless Without Geoff (Portal 2 Spoilers)Shrew Tom and Taylor try their best at producing the podcast without Geoff.With Spoilers and ExtrasWithout SpoilersSherwLOTR War In The NorthResonance of FateDungeon Siege 3Dark SoulsPortal 2Fable 2Pokemon BlackTom the ProdDisney UniverseDc universe onlineArkham CityPortal 2TaylorArkham CityModern Warfare 3NewsModern Warfare 3 / Battlefield 3Pokemonâs Next GameAssassins Creed MovieChinese Gaming SystemDevil May Cry HD CollectionSongs From Portal 2Reconstructing more scienceI saw a deer todayIf you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please let us know by emailing us at Click here to download this episode!&nb...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Square Enix to make Final Fantasy games an annual series

It really hurts me to say this, but Square Enix has just announced that they plan to make a Final Fantasy game every year or two. Here's their quote: "[For] the current generation console[s], Final Fantasy XIII was obviously the first game, and personally I think we took a little too long getting it out. "When you think of Western AAA titles like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Assassin's Creed, they seem to work with a lot shorter turnaround - they make a new game in one to two years. That is something we need to follow up, because that seems to be the best way to keep our fans interested and attracted to the franchise."The thing that hurts me most about this whole thing is the comparisons. Final Fantasy has seen the most innovation from game to game out of the series listed...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I WILL get the ICO and SOTC collection!

- Tom ...

Monday, November 7, 2011

GBP Episode 5: Halloween Special

Geoff, Tom Shrew and Taylor go into Tom's scary basement with no one to protect them from the horrors that await there to bring you the very first special podcast!Game Impressions: Geoff: DJ Hero, Monster Hunter, Assassin's Creed seriesShrew: Dungeon Siege 3, Resonance of Fate, Assassin's Creed seriesTom: Batman: Arkham City, Assassin's Creed seriesTaylor: Assassin's Creed ser- I BEAT ARKHAM ASYLUM!!!Game News:  Xbox 720 rumored for 2013 releaseNew Yakuza game coming to the states titled, "Yakuza: Dead Souls"New Japan only consoleSongs used:This is Halloween - Danny ElfmanDead Man's Party - Oingo BoingoHalloween Theme - John CarpenterIf you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please let us know by emailing us at Click here to download this ...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Geek Beerz cover art

Transparent VersionBlack and White VersionColored VersionI'm attempting to make this the cover art for our geek beerz podcast episodes, but I'll need the permission of all four members. Who will join me in this situation? -Tom W...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Batman Arkham City Characters revealed (spoilers!)

Here's the list of every character in BAC, WARNING!!! MAJOR SPOILERS. don't read or click on the links if ya don't want anything spoiled!!!!!You've been warned:Allies:CatwomanRobinNightwingAlfred PennyworthOracleCommissioner GordonMystery Ally - linkMain Villains:JokerHugo StrangeMystery Villain 1 - linkMystery Villain 2 - linkSupporting Characters:Harley QuinnMad HatterTwo-FacePenguinSolomon GrundyMr. FreezeTalia al GhulRiddlerVictor ZsaszPoison IvyMister Hammer and SickleMystery Villain 1 - linkMystery Villain 2 - linkMystery Villain 3 - linkVillain Cameos:linklink (only true fans will get this)linklink (in human form only)Other Characters:Quincy SharpWarren CashVicki ValeSteven BlumSo did your villain (picked from the poll) appear in Arkham City?...