Sunday, December 18, 2011

Puzzle Winners!!!!!!! a GBAwards exclusive

FIRST PLACE: Portal 2 [PS3, 360, PC]

Whenever you think of a puzzle game, or somebody asks you if you know of one, only one specific game comes to mind: PORTAL! In this case it's the newly released sequel, which again was appropriately made by Valve. With more character and more detail into the test chambers themselves, Portal 2 is easily a win for 2011!

SECOND PLACE: Catherine [PS3, 360, PC]

While bizzare and strange to some, Catherine was still a good game amongst all other puzzlers. And the idea of surviving a mysterious nightmare every night in order to survive the next day is one that not many can ignore.


FOURTH PLACE: Tetris remake [PS3]

We all knew what to expect from this game, which is basically the same recycled stuff from previous titles. Sure now there's more pizazz, but it still doesn't help with this now stale franchise. However, it still managed to get itself surprising noticed.


I know it's sad that puzzle games weren't big this year, possibly becuase they knew Valve would dominate. Hopefully next year we'll get more, and more worth our money. [see more about these contestants on the GBAwards page]


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