As all of you know these past few weeks we all have played Dark Souls, great success from some, not so much success from others. Dark Souls is called the predecessor of Demon's Souls (I would like to point out that it is not "Demon Souls"; many people forget that you are getting demon's souls not just a single demon soul.) I've played only a little bit of dark souls but I did know what I was getting myself into when I bought the game. PREPARE TO DIE! | I WAS PREPARED!
This game has no connection in story to Demon's Souls but game play and strategy are much the same. Unlike the linear worlds with 5 worlds in all, Dark Souls has one big map with all the levels intertwined. And I have to say that this world is Massive. The Souls Series is known to be one of the most difficult of this generation, after the release of Demon's Souls the Lead Director Hidetaka Miyazaki called the difficulty of that game, and future games to come, an art style in its own form.
For all of you who are thinking "THIS GAME IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR ME TO PLAY!" without trying it for yourself don't be discouraged, this game may be challenging but its not that difficult after you surpass the learning curve required. Most games these days you can choose for it to be easy where your 10 year old brother can beat it without dieing once to something an expert of playing the game through several times to be able to get pass the first level. Dark Souls isn't like that, you have one difficulty that doesn't change, hard; But after you learn how to play (little help is given to you during the tutorial) you soon learn that dark souls isn't as difficult as you first intended it to be.
- Keep your guard up at all times, any enemy can kill.
- Know your surroundings so you don't go dodging right off a cliff.
- Memorize and learn your enemies move set.
- Take your enemies on one at a time if possible.
- Don't attack npc's unless you want to kill them.
- Have Fun!
If you follow these rules you will no doubt be a fear to reckon with. There is a lot more to say, but no time left to tell I will leave you with these words.
Hard as H#ll but worth full price and worth playing.
Your gaming skills will be challenged.
It's the most difficult game I've ever played with the most satisfying combat in a very long time; all in all, a very rewarding experience.
Shrew (Myself)
Difficult but worth it. Get it now.
- Written by Shrew
- Written by Shrew
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