Saturday, April 21, 2012

Everything you need to know about Pokemon Black 2 and White 2

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 is shaping up to be excellent sequel games, and the first "legit" sequels that hasn't really happened in the main Pokemon handheld lineup. But what do we expect to get out of these games? Well what we do know is:
  • the games take two years after the events of the first two games, the Male and Female protagonists that you play as will be the same as in the first two, but they will be older and with different clothing and hairstyles.
  • these are true sequels to the last two games, meaning that you'll have to play Black 2 if you previously played Black in order to get what's going on.
  • the Pokemon shown on the front covers are actually two new forms of Kyurem (sorry, no fusion this time :( ) the forms are appropriately called "Black Kyurem" and "White Kyurem", these are kind of Kyurem's mock forms of the previous two Legendaries, Reshiram and Zekrom. Both are still Dragon/Ice type but Black Kyurem can also learn powerful Electric type moves and White Kyurem can learn powerful Fire type moves. Both will also learn a very powerful and unique attack that makes these two new Kyurems very different but awesome.
  • the Pokemon Meloetta will also, finally, show off its new form in these sequels as well. It is her pirouette form that was revealed back on Pokemon Black and White, but never available.
  • Gamefreak did announce there would be "New Pokemon" in this game, this could be nothing really other than new forms and such but you never know for sure.
  • new parts of the cities will be shown, and visually the games will look much different than the previous two titles.
  • Pokemon from the old generations will also be available to capture in the wild. This is very different since the first two games only had 5th generation Pokemon throughout the game until you beat the game. Old generation Pokemon revealed so far are Tyranitar, Eevee, Metagross, Mareep, Psyduck, Riolu, Arcanine, Weavile, and Lapras plus we can expect their evolutions to appear also. More will be revealed later on.
  • Above all else, the game will go for a much darker storyline.

 Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 release in Japan on June 23rd, and in the US and Europe this coming Autumn...


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