Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marvel Heroes MMO gets a new Trailer / the next Diablo?

Yep, Marvel has left Sega and now they are showing their new upcoming MMO game. The game is being developed by Gazillion entertainment and directed by the creator of Diablo himself, David Brevik.

Of course, everyone is going to be too preoccupied playing Diablo III to get excited for this right now. But this will be one of the five major MMO titles to get excited for in 2012, with Diablo III and Star Wars: the Old Republic (both successful, Diablo more so) we also have this game releasing as well as God Slayer (being developed by Changyou and Crytek) and we still have the Transformers Universe coming around the corner.

Here is the trailer reveal for Marvel Heroes, It may seem too much like Ultimate alliance but the gameplay seems very much like Diablo:


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