Wednesday, June 13, 2012

E3 2012 reveals- PART 7

Everything Nintendo (Wii U)...

One more company to go, Nintendo had the biggest reveals this year to contribute to their future console, the Wii U, and also really had to re-show what was known about the console last year...


Here's what we know for sure:
  • Wii U's controllers have been redesigned to be a much better fit for the HD console, Obviously they will have mini HD screens that act as cross-platform control or a game helper. In addition, they also announced that each console can use two of these Mini HD controllers at the same time. Also, they have another new controller that can be used for the console also. While having no mini screen or pad-like look, it does look so much like a 360 controller that it's easily laughable. And it also has the two analog sticks on top and buttons on the bottom... what's with that???
  • The Wii U comes in two colors on launch day, Black and White. Hooray for announcing the most overused colors by Nintendo. 
  • Many new games have been announced for Wii U, also mentioned. Games such as Batman: Arkham City, Darksiders II, Zelda HD, Rayman Legends (which may be an exclusive), and even Zombi U, which is a fun exclusive game that really requires using the HD mini controllers for play.
  • It was mentioned that Wii U is compatible to normal Wii games and even Gamecube ones still. And despite being an HD console, it is still not as powerful as the PS3 or even the 360.
  • As a side note, Aliens: Colonial Marines is said to be best on the Wii U. Apparently the game has been worked to use the controls and mini screens to perfection, however we'll be the judge of that in February.
  • Wii U currently has calibration problems... uh oh! Hopefully they can fix that.
  • Wii U will have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon instant video, and of course Youtube. 
  • It will have some kind of new Nintendo Network  that is vaguely similar to the PSN and XBL.
  • The Two most impressive game reveals was Wii U versions of Mass Effect 3 and Assassin's Creed III, two games that were thought to have never been on a Nintendo console, at least in similar quality that is. 
  • it will have 8 GB internal flash memory, but is also expandable by SD cards and USB Hard Disk drives. Learn More about the technical specs of the console via Wikipedia under hardware...


Not much 3DS stuff was expounded upon, especially due to Wii U being the big thing, but enough 3DS news was acceptable enough. For example: Luigi's Mansion 2 is very probably going to be the next biggest hit for the 3DS...


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