Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 announced! / new pokemon?

Game Freak's Junichi Masuda revealed the "third entry" into the Pokemon 5th generation franchise, which actually ended up being "third and fourth entries".

Pokemon Black 2


Pokemon White 2

Instead of going in the direction most assumed with Pokemon Gray, Masuda announced Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2. Another surprising part of the announcement is that the games will be releasing for DS, as opposed to the 3DS. Next week Masuda teased that he would reveal the names of the legendary Pokemon that will be featured in the games.

Pokemon Black And White 2 will be releasing in Japan in June. No word on the stateside release, or even a true confirmation that they will come out here, but it's a pretty safe bet that we will see localized versions shortly after they release in Japan.

Here are the first teaser images of the new games:

These are supposedly two of the many legendaries to be in Black and White 2. But dont they look very very similar to Reshiram and Zekrom??? Here's some possibilities:

- Perhaps now legendaries can finally evolve?

- perhaps they just happen to look like Reshiram and Zekrom, and are actually new?

-and then there's this:

And this:
Kyurem, the Ice Dragon Pokemon, was originally meant to be one the rumored Gray version, which was not to be. So is it possible that this is Kyurem's way to make it onto the cover? Could Pokemon be actually doing something new? Can Pokemon now MORPH???!!!??!!?!

What are your thoughts?


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