Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What do you want in the new Consoles???

Everyone has their ideas of what and what not to have in the next generation of consoles. even though we at GeekBeerz believe we don't need new consoles, here are some major problems that we think should be fixed in the next "gen of cons":


  • no YLOD (yellow light of death)
  • no mind destroying long loads for certain games
  • the ability to change online names when necessary 
  • the ability to organize and better keep track of trophies
  • give us the full power of what blu-ray games can offer, for the PS3 some do but others do not
  • please allow us to not lose anything that we bought using playstation plus
Xbox 360:
  • no red ring of death
  • allow xbox live to be free like the PSN, don't steal our money
  • switch to using actual money of make the microsoft points infinitely better
  • please use an engine equal to or better than a pc
  • fix the D-pad on the controller, a few still find it bothersome when playing arcade games
  • while it doesn't quite matter, some believe that xbox should start using a blu-ray function
  • no cheap-a$$ games
  • learn how to lower prices on old games
  • fully expound on the motion control functionality instead of continuous gimmicks
  • switch to using HD like the other two leading consoles
  • don't let the gimmicks of the Wii ruin classics such as Mario and Zelda
  • create a faster way to improve calibration, some find it an annoying process


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